

Degrees and Certifications:

Masters Degree, Bachelors Degree, GT certification

Ms. Maureen Rooney

A little bit about yourself--where are you from? What do you like to do?
I am originally from Chicago, IL. My family and I moved here in 2018. I have two kids. Both boys are involved in a lot of sports and other extracurricular activities. I love to listen to music, eat great food, watch and play sports, travel and be with my family and friends.
Favorite thing about teaching or working at Sullivan?
I absolutely love math and love teaching the fundamentals of math and showing how it will be applicable and connect to everything in life.
What is your "genius" or "Superpower"?
I believe I have an awesome balance of creating relationships with students while maintaining structure and expectations in the classroom and in life. My expectations are that students work hard in class while respecting others and practice math by doing homework so that the content truly sinks in as I prepare them for high school and college where these expectations will be the same.