
  • The following order should be followed in reporting a complaint by conferring with:

    1.  The coach that has direct supervision of the athlete at the time.
    2.  The head coach of the sport in which the athlete participated.
    3.  The Athletic Director of the school.
    4.  The Principal of the school involved.
    5.  The appropriate Assistant Superintendent.
    6.  The Superintendent of ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û or the Superintendent can designate the responsibility to the Deputy Superintendent.

    NOTE:  Parents should always call to schedule a meeting with the coach.  Never approach a coach before, during, or after a practice or game.  All complaints will be addressed during scheduled meetings with the coach.

    Resolution of Athletic Complaints
    A complaint is defined as a disagreement involving an athletics issue in which an individual or group of individuals believe that an injustice has been done. The perceived injustice is the result of a lack of an athletics policy, the perceived unfairness of a policy, the deviation from, or ignoring of a policy, or the misapplication or misinterpretation of an athletics policy. The purpose of this procedure is to settle athletic complaints at the level as close as possible to the point of origin, with the intent of resolving the matter at the lowest administrative level.


    Step 1
    Any student and/or parent with an athletics complaint will discuss the issue with the coach involved.
    Step 2
    If the discussion at Step 1 does not resolve the matter to the satisfaction of the complaining party, that party will discuss the issue with the school’s athletic director.
    Step 3
    If the intervention of the athletic director does not resolve the complaint, the issue will be presented to the school’s principal.


    Step 1
    If the decision of the principal does not resolve the complaint, the complaining party may appeal to the appropriate Assistant Superintendent. The Assistant Superintendent will convene a hearing if requested.
    Step 2
    If the decision of the Assistant Superintendent does not resolve the complaint, the complaining party may appeal to the Superintendent, or the Superintendent can designate the responsibility to the Deputy Superintendent.