• TransformSC


    Transform SC is an education initiative of New Carolina which functions as a collaboration of business leaders, policy makers, educators, parents and students who want to transform South Carolina’s public schools.  The goal is to create a new system of learning that will produce graduates ready to compete in a global knowledge economy.   

        STMS has been chosen as a pilot site for this 10 year initiative.  Teachers are receiving professional development and training to adapt the system of learning to the student, rather than forcing the student to adapt to the system. 

        The Transform SC collaboration is helping pilot schools by providing hands-on support, networking opportunities, and advocacy for policies that give schools the flexibility to transition to new classroom strategies. 

        STMS students will benefit from this transformation by receiving personalized instruction, self-paced  learning, blended instructional models, and integrated curriculum opportunities using problem based units  of study around real-world problems.