• STMS Athletic Policies and Procedures - Please click this link if you would like to save or print a copy for yourself.


    STMS Athletic Policies and Procedures


    1. Three Behavior Intervention Class (BIC) sessions or 2 out of school suspension (OSS) assignments, by an administrator, during the season will result in dismissal from the team for the remainder of that sport’s season.


    2. BIC or OSS by an administrator on game day will result in the athlete not being able to participate in that game. Depending on the student’s behavior, the student could also miss a game based on their negative behavior prior to a scheduled game day.


    3. Two unexcused absences from practice may result in dismissal from the team. All athletes must have a written doctor’s excuse or parent note when not at practice. Two after school detentions will count as one absence. Four after school detentions will result in dismissal from team. (If an athlete leaves early from school, the athlete can notify the coach by informing Mrs. Minor, their admin, or by e-mail. Failing to notify the coach may result in an unexcused absence.


    4. An unexcused absence from a game may result in dismissal from the team.


    5. If a teacher puts an athlete in BIC, Issues a Folder, or an After School Detention (ASD), the athlete will be subject to disciplinary action by the coach through extra running during that day’s practice. Constant problems in the classroom may result in removal from the team.


    6. In order to maintain eligibility, student-athletes must maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) during the grading period of their sport.


    7. If a student receives an F or falls below a 2.0 (GPA) during the grading period of their sport season. The student will be placed on academic probation, and if no improvement is evident on the next progress report, the athlete may be removed from the team.


    8. Students under academic probation must enroll in tutoring in order to remain on the team. (If student has 2.5 (GPA) or lower, they will report to lunch study hall to receive additional help in the classes they need help in.)


    9. Due to district policy, an athlete must ride the bus to and from the games. Parents are not allowed to take their children home from away game sites without written permission from the building principal prior to the event.


    10. Athletes are to be picked up no later than 30 minutes after the end of practice. If the athlete hasn’t been picked up after the 30 minute window, the athlete will receive additional drills to complete until their parent arrives. If this occurs three times, the athlete may be suspended for one game. If it happens a fourth time, the athlete may be suspended for a second game.


    11. A student may “resign” from a sport during the season. A formal letter of resignation must be submitted to the athletic director in order for a student to maintain eligibility for other sports.


    ** Coaches will hold a mandatory preseason meeting with their parents and players to discuss rules and

    expectations within one week of final selection of their team. **


    ** Coaches may add other rules and procedures specific to his/her sport with the approval of the athletic director. Any additional rules and procedures will be communicated and made available to parents and players at the preseason meeting.**


    ** The athletic director and principal reserve the right to amend, repeal, or add rules and procedures during the school year if necessary and will notify coaches, parents, and players of any changes made. **