

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Lakia Keener

Ms. Keener's Contact Information:Email

My name is Lakia Keener I am from Chester, South Carolina. I graduated from Claflin University with a bachelor's degree in Middle Level Education, I am honored to teach 7th Grade World Geography here at Saluda Trail. I am super excited about leading students around the world while utilizing key geographic skills, also helping them grow socially and academically. I am the student council advisor for this school year!


I've known since I was a little girl that I was going to become a teacher so that I could use my talents to educate the next generation. I enjoy teaching students content and life skills that will not only help them learn about our history, but these skills will help them become successful in life. The spark that comes in students' eyes when they are learning ensures me that I made the right career choice. Everything I do is for my students. My goal is for them to see themselves the way I see them, which is full of confidence, unmatched potential and extremely bright and brilliant.